I need my video camera back again. Unfortunately there's no news on that at the moment.
Here is three hours' worth of hedgehog footage compressed into six minutes!
Check out for Scratchy's antics at around 2:39 on the video. Very funny!
Also, we get to see Scratchy's "undercarriage" (for want of a better word), and... is Scratchy a boy? Surely not? Another hedgehog was trying to mount her last week?
Could there be TWO Scratchys with similar markings on their backs? Could this be how I missed the tick on his/her lower back earlier this week? Had I been looking at a second hedgehog? I don't know what to think any more.
I've returned the camera to the tried and tested position against the back wall of the house and facing the hedgehog feeding station. I seem to get the best results there.
You'll recognise Scratchy in these video clips. She's the one with markings on her back and is also the hog that keeps scratching. I briefly examined her earlier in the evening and was pleased to see that the ticks I treated with olive oil had fallen off. However, later on I noticed another tick that I must have missed lower down on her back. I didn't want to haul her inside again - it doesn't seem fair to the hedghog to keep messing about with it like that - so I'm going to try to attend to it another time.
I wish I could examine her underside where she keeps scratching with that rear right foot, but it's difficult when they curl up into a ball.