Sunday, 13 September 2009

A quieter Sunday night

After a very busy Saturday night in the garden, with lots of hogs visiting all night (sorry, no pics), tonight seems a bit quieter by comparison, although I expect more hedgehogs may well turn up after I retire for bed.

As usual, Scratchy puts in an appearance. In the photo above she's noticed that I've opened the window so as to take a photo of her.

Thankfully the lure of a bowl of nuts, sunflower hearts and mealworms was greater than her desire to run away rather than be photographed, and she continued tucking into the food as if I wasn't there. I very gently shut the window and left her to it.

In other news, I've had an email back from the company that sold me the trail camera saying that they will exchange the battery and charger if I return them. I'll try to get those into the post tomorrow. However, on Tuesday I'm going to Pembrokeshire in Wales for two weeks to house-sit and cat-sit for my parents, so don't expect any new hog videos for a couple of weeks. Sorry about that.

Sadly there don't seem to be any hedgehogs in that part of Wales. I'll have to see what other wildlife I can photograph while I'm away; one of the villagers has a fox that visits his house and comes into the kitchen so I'm hoping I may be able to get some pictures of this.

Don't worry about my hogs back at home. They will be fed in my absense, and I've stocked up on plenty of mealworms!


  1. Scratchy is a real star! I love the way she looks at the camera.

    That's great news re the camera. We look forward to you next video.

    Some fox photos would be a treat.

    Have a nice trip.

  2. That is really good news about the battery and charger.

  3. I am very pleased to have found your delightful blog. I look forward to future visits.
