My niece Hannah has just sent me this photo of the little hedgehog that she and the family found outside their house in Cheshire last night. My sister phoned to tell me that they took him to the Lower Moss Wood Wildlife Hospital this morning, where he was weighed and found to be only 209g. Definitely an autumn juvenile, and even smaller than the first one I found last week. He is being kept at the hospital for overwintering seeing as he is too small to survive hibernation. Well done to the Boardman family for another hedgehog rescue!
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Hedgehog at the waterbowl and a couple of items of news

I had a telephone call from my sister late last night. She and her family had just arrived home to their house in Cheshire after a short break in London (I went to meet up with them all on Monday) and they found an autumn juvenile trying to sleep on their driveway by the garage door. She's put it in a box with some bedding and taken it inside into the warmth and I've advised her what food she can give it. I've also given her the phone number of a local carer - who, it turns out, she believes she already knows. Hopefully, she'll get the little hog to this carer in the morning and it'll be safe and sound. It's so weird that this should happen after I was telling my sister on Monday about my own two autumn juveniles.
If anyone else out there finds an autumn juvenile and needs to find a local carer, see the list at the British Hedgehog Preservation Society.
In other news, I have at last received the replacement battery and charger for my infrared motion-sensor camera. I was hoping to make a few more videos before the hedgehogs all go into hibernation, but alas, this one does not work either. I think I'm going to have to send the whole camera back. How infuriating!
UPDATE: Wait... I think the camera is working now after all. I shall test it tonight.
Sunday, 25 October 2009
Autumn Juvenile #2

UPDATE (14:45pm): I'd like to say a huge thank you to S and E from the Twosie the Hedgehog blog for coming to the rescue and getting this delightful little hog delivered to Tiggywinkles this afternoon.
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
A visit to St Tiggywinkles

Monday, 19 October 2009
A little hog comes to visit
Here's a new visitor to the garden - or at least one that I haven't seen before.
I spied this little hog in the feeding station. I could make out that it was sitting in the
feeding bowl eating "Spike's Dinner" and flinging it around all over the place. I thought I should take a closer look to see how big - or little rather - it actually was.
As you can see, the hog is small enough to sit in the palm of my hand. Which doesn't bode well for surviving the winter. I weighed the hog and found it was 300g. I then put it back outside in the feeding station where it curled up and I put plenty of food down for it. I quickly checked the St Tiggywinkles website to see what weight hogs should be to survive a cold winter (600g) and was just about to ring them when I checked the feeding station again - and it was gone.
I feel annoyed that I let it leave, but to be honest I wasn't really sure what I should be doing. I shall ring Tiggywinkles tomorrow and ask for guidance should I see it again. I hope it returns!
22:48 - MORE... The little hog hadn't gone far. I found it curled up asleep with the dead leaves of a finished courgette plant barely covering it, just a few feet away from the feeding station. The poor little thing is now in a pet carrier with a towel and a blanket for warmth. I've put some food and water in the pet carrier for it. It's currently sleeping, and I'm a little concerned about it. I tried a couple of phone numbers - both Tiggywinkles and a hedgehog carer in Oxfordshire, but neither were answering. I'll try again in the morning, if the poor little thing makes it through the night.

feeding bowl eating "Spike's Dinner" and flinging it around all over the place. I thought I should take a closer look to see how big - or little rather - it actually was.

I feel annoyed that I let it leave, but to be honest I wasn't really sure what I should be doing. I shall ring Tiggywinkles tomorrow and ask for guidance should I see it again. I hope it returns!
22:48 - MORE... The little hog hadn't gone far. I found it curled up asleep with the dead leaves of a finished courgette plant barely covering it, just a few feet away from the feeding station. The poor little thing is now in a pet carrier with a towel and a blanket for warmth. I've put some food and water in the pet carrier for it. It's currently sleeping, and I'm a little concerned about it. I tried a couple of phone numbers - both Tiggywinkles and a hedgehog carer in Oxfordshire, but neither were answering. I'll try again in the morning, if the poor little thing makes it through the night.
Friday, 16 October 2009
The return of You Know Who...?
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Monday, 12 October 2009
Monday night's first visitor

There hasn't been a lot to report over the last few days. It's not been exactly busy but there has been quite a steady stream of hedgehogs coming to the patio for a bite or two to eat.
In sadder news, I saw yesterday that a hedgehog had been killed on the road just around the corner from where I live. My immediate reaction was, "I hope that wasn't one of my hogs", then I realised how stupid that was. What difference does it make if it's one of mine or another hog that doesn't visit my garden? It's still a poor little hog that met with an untimely and undignified end.
I have to say, I'm always rather perplexed at how careless motorists can be. I've seen so many instances where it looks as if the motorist must have deliberately aimed their vehicle at the animal. It's one of the reasons why I hate cars, and even more so the idiots that often drive them.
Saturday, 10 October 2009
Gimme Shelter!
Friday, 9 October 2009
Thursday night's hogs

Thursday, 8 October 2009
A hedgehog waits patiently

Tuesday, 6 October 2009
The hogs are keeping a low profile

I accidentally disturbed the hog pictured above when I went to check the food levels in the feeding station. I do check to see if it is occupied but somehow I missed this little hog. What can I say? My torch isn't too bright and I thought it was a shadow cast by the brick on the lid. Luckily, from experience I know that hedgehogs don't seem to hold grudges and will return despite such interruptions.
Sunday, 4 October 2009
The hogs are still enthusiastically munching away

I went out later on to check the food levels, and found this hog at the waterbowl:

Still no definite sighting of Scratchy, I'm afraid.
Friday, 2 October 2009
A hungry hog
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