Tuesday, 21 September 2010

A new baby hedgehog

Look at who I saw out back tucking into the mealworms! It's another baby. It's hard to get an idea of scale in this photo, but this little hog is about the size of my hand.

I brought him inside quickly, just to make sure he was healthy. I hope he keeps coming back here to eat - he'll need to put on a lot of weight before hibernation time in just a couple of months.


  1. Now thats the cutest thing ever!

  2. Gosh GL, it is getting quite late in the year. We think some of our visitors have already started hibernating as they are very thin on the ground these days and it is only the small ones that are left.

  3. Well, I thought they were getting thin on the ground, but look at the photos I just posted from Tuesday night - it certainly seemed busy then.

  4. WE are having a strange time recently. We usually have less visitors in the late Summer, but this time we had none at all for about 3 weeks. Still thin on the ground now; last year we had a lot more feeding themselves up for Winter. No idea where they have all gone...
