Saturday 5 November 2011

Check those bonfires for nesting hedgehogs, please!

There's a picture of me with Wendy the little hog I rescued recently in this week's edition of the Western Telegraph! It's not the most flattering picture of me (I'd just come in from some really ghastly weather outside and am looking somewhat "windswept". Oh well, it's a nice pic of Wendy, anyway.)

The piece in the paper is asking people to check their bonfires for hedgehogs before lighting them, something I feel that needs national exposure. The idea of poor hedgehogs being burnt alive is just too horrible to think about.

1 comment:

  1. Hi GL,
    Thanks so much for your Christmas card. We emailed you using the email address given in your profile but it was bounced so hopefully, you'll pick up this & will know that we wish you a merry Christmas and we look forward to reading lots more about all your prickly friends in 2012.
